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An interactive component that enables the organization and navigation of content by allowing users to expand and collapse sections.



  • 🎹 Keyboard navigation
  • 🍃 Can expand one or multiple items


<script lang="ts">
import { Accordion, type AccordionItem } from "melt/builders";
type Item = AccordionItem<{
title: string;
description: string;
const items: Item[] = [
{ id: "item-1", title: "What is it?", description: "..."},
{ id: "item-2", title: "Can I customize it?", description: "..."},
const accordion = new Accordion();
<div {...accordion.root}>
{#each items as i}
{@const item = accordion.getItem(i)}
<h2 {...item.heading}>
<button {...item.trigger}>
<div {...item.content}>

API Reference

Constructor Props

The props that are passed when calling
new Accordion()
    export type AccordionProps<Multiple extends boolean = false> = {
    * If `true`, multiple accordion items can be open at the same time.
    * @default false
    multiple?: MaybeGetter<Multiple | undefined>;
    * When `true`, prevents the user from interacting with the accordion.
    * @default false
    disabled?: MaybeGetter<boolean | undefined>;
    * The controlled value for the accordion.
    value?: AccordionValue<Multiple>;
    * The callback invoked when the value of the Accordion changes.
    onValueChange?: OnMultipleChange<string, Multiple>;


The methods returned from
new Accordion()
  • getItem

    <Meta extends Record<string, unknown>>(
    item: AccordionItem<Meta>,
    ) => Item<Meta, Multiple>
    Returns an Item class with the necessary spread attributes for an accordion item. @param item
  • isExpanded

    (id: string) => boolean
    Checks if an item is currently expanded. @param id - ID of the item to check.
  • expand

    (id: string) => void
    Expands a specific item. @param id - ID of the item to expand.
  • collapse

    (id: string) => void
    Collapses a specific item. @param id - ID of the item to collapse.
  • toggleExpanded

    (id: string) => void
    Toggles the expanded state of an item. @param id - ID of the item to toggle.


The properties returned from
new Accordion()
  • multiple

    Multiple extends null | undefined
    ? Multiple | undefined
    : Multiple | Exclude<Multiple, null | undefined>
  • disabled

  • value

  • root

    { "data-melt-accordion-root": string; id: string }
    Spread attributes for the accordion root element.