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Organizes content into conditionally rendered sections, controlled by a group of triggers.

Breaking Bad



The Truman Show



  • 🎹 Keyboard navigation
  • 🧠 Smart focus management
  • 🔄 Horizontal and vertical orientation
  • 🌐 RTL support (incoming!)


<script lang="ts">
import { Tabs } from "melt/builders";
const tabs = new Tabs()
const tabIds = ["Tab 1", "Tab 2", "Tab 3"];
<div {...tabs.triggerList}>
{#each tabIds as id}
<button {...tabs.getTrigger(id)}>
{#each tabIds as id}
<div {...tabs.getContent(id)}>

API Reference

Constructor Props

The props that are passed when calling
new Tabs()
    export type TabsProps<T extends string = string> = {
    * If `true`, the value will be changed whenever a trigger is focused.
    * @default true
    selectWhenFocused?: MaybeGetter<boolean | undefined>;
    * If the the trigger selection should loop when navigating with the arrow keys.
    * @default true
    loop?: MaybeGetter<boolean | undefined>;
    * The orientation of the tabs.
    * @default "horizontal"
    orientation?: MaybeGetter<"horizontal" | "vertical">;
    * The default value for `tabs.value`
    * When passing a getter, it will be used as source of truth,
    * meaning that `tabs.value` only changes when the getter returns a new value.
    * If omitted, it will use the first tab as default.
    * @default undefined
    value?: MaybeGetter<T>;
    * Called when the `Tabs` instance tries to change the active tab.
    onValueChange?: (active: T) => void;


The methods returned from
new Tabs()
  • getTrigger

    (value: T) => {
    readonly "data-melt-tabs-trigger": T
    readonly "data-active": "" | undefined
    readonly tabindex: 0 | -1
    readonly role: "tab"
    readonly "aria-selected": boolean
    readonly "aria-controls": string
    readonly "data-orientation": "horizontal" | "vertical"
    readonly onclick: () => T
    readonly onkeydown: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void
    readonly id: string
    Gets the attributes and listeners for a tab trigger. Requires an identifying tab value.
  • getContent

    (value: T) => {
    readonly "data-melt-tabs-content": ""
    readonly hidden: boolean
    readonly "data-active": "" | undefined
    readonly role: "tabpanel"
    readonly id: string
    readonly "aria-labelledby": string
    readonly "data-orientation": "horizontal" | "vertical"
    Gets the attributes and listeners for the tabs contents. Requires an identifying tab value.


The properties returned from
new Tabs()
  • selectWhenFocused

  • loop

  • orientation

    "horizontal" | "vertical"
  • value

    The current selected tab.
  • triggerList

    readonly "data-melt-tabs-trigger-list": ""
    readonly role: "tablist"
    readonly "aria-orientation": "horizontal" | "vertical"
    readonly "data-orientation": "horizontal" | "vertical"
    The attributes for the list that contains the tab triggers.